Monday 20 June 2011

Peron Homestead for a bath

We’ve had a great time up at Francois Peron, had perfect weather, and lots of fun. Nick and Vin went down to the beach again this morning to try and catch some fish for dinner, and came back with a perfectly respectable catch of smaller ones. The rest of us packed up and had breakfast, then we all headed back to Peron Homestead to the ‘pool’ which is just a big corrugated iron tank fed by the artesian bore, so it’s really warm (too warm for me at first). It was fantastic to have a wash, very refreshing, and it’s also a nice place to have a sandwich at the tables on the grass. By that time it was mid afternoon so we just headed straight to our stop for the night, which is Hamelin Station nearer to the main road. It’s a nice station set up as a camping stop, with new bathrooms etc and a laundry – but only one washing machine, one line and no dryer! They’re on generator power so they can’t cope with power-hungry dryers. Anyway we’ve each put on a load so I’m hoping it might get a bit dry overnight. We’ve got so many socks and undies each time I think we’re going to have to start changing them less as I don’t have enough pegs to hang them out! I suppose as the weather gets warmer they’ll dry quicker and quicker. Tomorrow we’ll go through Carnarvon, stock up on fresh fruit and veggies and keep moving north.

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