Wednesday 15 June 2011

Kalbarri National Park

Again a bit to catch up on, as we’ve had busy days. We did manage to get up and leave early-ish on Tuesday, packed up the wet tent and drove through the rain to Geraldton (where the trees really DO grow sideways! Due to the strong winds. Forgot to take a photo though). We hung around there for a bit doing various bits of shopping, trying to get the local Mitsubishi dealer to have a quick look at the car because a warning light had come on (the day after the service!). We couldn’t get in that day or the next in the end, and the guy said if it’s performing ok (which it is) it is probably fine, so we decided to keep going to Kalbarri. We got into a free camp on the outskirts of the park which, as our book says is very popular (the one you gave us Bron, very useful). Full of grey nomads popping up their vans for an overnight stop, which we were all pretty jealous of, since the outside of the tent was wet and yucky, and the forecast for rain. Anyway we woke up on Wednesday to beautiful weather and headed straight into the national park, which has a fantastic gorge which is kind of like something from a tourist brochure. The Murchison River twists and turns and winds its way through the national park to the sea, having cut this quite deep gorge through the land. In a couple of places you can walk down to the river, sometimes down ladders and scrambling down rocks, and it was flowing nicely after the recent rain. We took our lunch down there and had a great time at the aptly named Z bend. Later we went to Nature’s Window which is this amazing lookout over the gorge and did a bit of a walk but as usual I was on constant high alert and freaking out because the walk is along the cliff tops, no fence. It was great scenery but hard for me to enjoy J
Fantastic news just in on the mobile – congratulations to our neighbours Ross and Rachael on the birth of Henry, number 3 boy (3 under 5yrs of age!) looking forward to meeting him in 4 months time…
We decided to treat ourselves to dinner in Kalbarri town, having managed a free camp for 2 nights, and to head off today to Francois Peron NP, near Monkey Mia. We’re hoping to meet up with another family that we did the 4WD course with who are there.

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