Thursday 9 June 2011

Ferguson Valley

Daniel at Honeymoon Pool

Mountain bike riding

The Big Orange

Conor taking a bite of the Big Orange
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I’ve got a few days to catch up on now.
We did manage to have a go on a mountain bike trail in the Ferguson Valley which was really fun – we did the easiest grade and it’s just as well as it was plenty, lots of gravel which made it hard to go uphill, but some cool downhill sections with rocks and lots of ‘woohoo!’ shouts. It was also a beautiful morning, and as it took us up to the top of a hill we had a nice view of the valley which was stunning. After all of that exercise we had earned a treat at a fantastic bakery in Harvey, the orange capital of these parts, where we also got to climb the Big Orange, where you can look at orange trees as far as the eye can see. Funnily enough you can’t buy oranges or in fact any kind of fruit at the Big Orange, only reconstituted juice, wine, cider, lollies, jam, marmalade etc etc (anything BUT fresh fruit). After that it was a drive into the outskirts of Perth and the caravan park, which is our first Big4 style and therefore the ritziest yet! The boys snuck in a bit of tv in the TV Room while we set up the tent and then all drove into town to Helene and Rod’s place for a yummy homemade pizza dinner. The kids got to watch Boomerang shows on a huge TV, eat dinner on the couch while watching tv and we got to have a nice glass of something and chat, mostly about where is good to go from now on. It was a happy coincidence to see Helene again in Perth as well as Adelaide so it was a great night.

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