Monday 6 June 2011

Conto's Beach / Dunsborough

Conto's beach

Conor and Daniel at Conto's beach

In keeping with it being the last day of a long weekend over here, we’ve had a slower day today. Nick and the boys drove down to Conto’s beach to have a go at fishing from the rocks, while I mooched around the tent letting things dry out and air out and slowly packing up. I don’t know that much happened with the fishing but apparently the rock pools were good so a good time was had. Then we drove up to Dunsborough, stopping briefly to buy some venison sausages on the way – a couple of days ago on our way to the Margaret River region we stopped in at a meadery out of curiosity. I thought that they would only make a beer type of drink but I think their main line was wine, but fruity types of lighter wines, and a few liqueurs. I wasn’t so keen but Nick ended up buying a bottle of blueberry wine, which the lady said is very good with venison, and mentioned that there was a place in Margaret River selling it so…. Now we have the venison and the wine, and I think tomorrow night is the night.
We were really only going through Dunsborough for fish and chips at Squid Lips Fish & Chips, which has the reputation of being in the ‘top 5 in WA’ but, perhaps after too much hype in the tourist leaflets, it really wasn’t all that exciting. The squid was nice, having said that, but the fish and chips from the Squid Shack in Albany was way way better. 
After that it was another recommendation in the Margaret River gourmet food list, Simmo’s icecreamery. They certainly had an amazing variety of flavours to choose from, and it was pretty good – it also helps having a really big playground attached. By this time it was too late to go to the archery centre so we’ll have to save that for tomorrow, along with the Busselton jetty. We randomly picked a caravan park just outside Dunsborough which isn’t actually too expensive, so that we can go straight to the archery, jetty and then keep going tomorrow – there just isn’t really anywhere cheap to camp around here so we won’t hang around terribly long. I forgot to say that on our list of things to do in Perth is now buying Nick a new set of sneakers – they got so wet when he was digging a trench around the tent in Shannon and they’ve been drying out for days, so last night he had them hanging over the fire. We were sitting with the kids while they were writing journals when we noticed that the fire was burning particularly brightly…. and there was only one sneaker left. It seems a bit of an extreme way to get a new set of sneakers but ….obviously he’ll stoop to anything :-)
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