Monday 20 June 2011

Francois Peron with the Ralhs

After a fair length very sandy, sometimes corrugated and bumpy drive up the peninsula, we ended up staying at Bottle Bay, towards the tip of the peninsula, which is just beautiful. Not many other people here, and we camp about 50m from the beach behind small dunes which makes it nice and easy to have a swim! It’s the first time we’ve had a proper swim and it was lovely – the weather is really quite warm, clear sunny days, so you actually feel like getting in the water even though it’s still a bit cool. It’s flat as a tack but that just makes it easier for the kids. We had a nice play at the beach yesterday afternoon, and Nick and Vin caught 10 small fish between them which fried up great for a (late) dinner - Conor even caught one of them! It was very impressive, and we had grand plans for a fish dinner tonight but as of 4.30pm this afternoon, not much luck.
This morning after everyone writing their journals we drove a little bit further to Cape Peron and did the walk to Skipjack Point along the ridge where we could see lots of cormorants, and at Skipjack point there’s a great platform where you can look down over the water and hopefully see marine life – which we did! There was a pod of dolphins that were even jumping out of the water sometimes, playing, and a turtle which wandered around underneath us, lots of fish, something we wondered if it might have been a shark (but possibly not), and a stingray on the way back. After the walk it was pretty hot by then so it was back to the tents for lunch and another swim in the afternoon. The kids have built amazing sandcastles all afternoon, and now it seems like we might have to come up with something else for dinner, other than the fish which aren’t biting. Tomorrow it will probably be back down the sandy road (bit hard when you meet people coming the other way) and not sure where tomorrow night will be yet, but we are going to need to do some clothes washing pretty soon….
Skipjack Point

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