Sunday 15 May 2011

Streaky Bay

We made it to Streaky Bay in good time yesterday – well just south of it at Westall Point. It’s another campsite with nothing there but it’s right next to the beach, which is nice (hence why there’s other people here). I actually preferred the one on Lake Gilles which felt much more remote, partly because we were on our own which was nice, partly because there was lots of wood for a nice big fire (none here), and partly because this place is overrun with little fieldmice, which turn up at dusk. I was the only one who didn’t have them running over my feet at dinner, and that was only because I kept up a furious tap dance under the table while eating. They haven’t gotten into anything because we have it all in good boxes, just a bit disconcerting – especially when doing a bush wee in the dark, since I have to get closer to the ground than the boys. We’re going to stay another night though, because we all need a bit of a break from a driving day, and a seal on our water tank under the trailer broke last night (a rock I think), so we need to go into town to see if we can buy another. Nick did a great job fixing it when we got here so we didn’t lose all the water, but it’s a temporary fix. We  might also try and find the Streaky Bay library which the boys will like, collect some wood from somewhere and have a play on the beach.
It’s been absolutely FREEZING at night which Conor is really feeling. They both wear their thermals (brought to you by Aldi) to bed at night under their winter pyjamas and I’m very glad that we brought them, plus the water bottles, which are paramount! Yesterday morning there was ice/frost on the top of the table outside and Conor was not a happy chappy getting out of bed to that kind of weather (must be the Learmonth genes Jenny). What with the thermals, the thermal cooker, the camping loo (yet to be used), the set of melamine mixing bowls, the bunk beds and the clothes airer (also yet to be used), all the Aldi stuff is getting a lot of use and holding up well. Our fire plate is also going great guns Peter & Jenny, and the folding handle wok. The other thing I’m loving is my very old piece of washing line which is just twisted elastic with hooks on either end, but it can hang up anywhere and it’s great for hanging tea towels on to dry *and* you don’t need pegs.
*News flash* Daniel was the first to try out the camping loo to great success. I think he was wondering why Nick and I made such a big deal of it. When he came out of our tent and Conor asked what it was like, he said “it’s just a toilet, except you feel stupid sitting on it in the tent”. Says it all really.
The Big Galah - Kimba SA, the flock of galahs on the granary opposite didn't seem to mind their large brother

The Big Farmer

Murphy's Haystacks

Homage to "Are We There Yet"

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