Tuesday 24 May 2011

24th May, Cape Le Grand

View from Frenchman Peak looking south - can just see Lucky Bay on the left
One of the amazing flowers in the park

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day, so we convinced the kids to ride our bikes up to Frenchman Peak nearby – we think it got its name because it’s a mountain with what looks like a beret on top. There was lots of complaining on the ride there (it was a bit longer than we thought and mostly uphill) but climbing the actual mountain was great. It was quite steep and rocky but Conor enjoyed that part of it, and best of all at the top there’s a huge hole right through the mountain and out the other side that you can stand in. Apparently it was caused by waves crashing through a loooong looong time ago, when most of the hill/mountain was under water. The ride back was also much more fun (mostly downhill). Conor then found that the boy staying nearby likes monopoly almost as much as him, so it was a match made in heaven. Nick bravely volunteered to play with them and that took up the whole afternoon. A few other people arrived that night that we had met at Fowler’s Bay, we are all obviously going in the same direction and roughly the same speed. We would have really liked to stay longer at Cape Le Grand, it’s just so beautiful (plus the kids wanted to stay with the other kids) but we had literally run out of food by this morning, so had a quick walk up towards Thistle Cove and headed for Esperance.
It’s quite nice being in a ‘big’ town for a little while – we got some takeaway for lunch and sat on the esplanade eating it, then did a $200+ shop at Woollies to stock us up, hopefully for some time. We’re staying at a caravan park in order to do some laundry and shower/wash hair, plus charge up the laptop and camera battery. The kids even got to watch some telly this afternoon in the ‘tv room’ which they kind of enjoyed, except that they only get ABC1 here and they were really hoping for Scorpion Island….

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