Wednesday 18 May 2011

Somewhere near the border

Had a nice shower and hair wash this morning, although I keep finding that I’m waking up earlier than everyone else, and this particularly seemed to be the case in this caravan park and because it gets light so late – so I gave up trying to sleep at 6am and got in early (no competition for the shower at that time), but then had to twiddle my thumbs for ages waiting until I could make some noise when other people woke up.
Anyway we cooked another delicious stew before leaving, put it in the thermal cooker (brought to you by Aldi) and left it stewing in the back of the car while we drove along. It was pretty much just another driving day, although we stopped at the Head of Bight Whale Watching Centre which is in the middle of nowhere, but has a good big platform right on the edge of a cliff with a good view onto a bay that apparently the whales visit every year. We got lucky (since it’s very early in the season) and saw one a little way off shore. Most of the time it was just sitting on the surface but once it waved a flipper at us, which made the hour we spent there trying to watch it worthwhile. I can imagine that in the peak of the season when there’s lots there putting on a display it would be fantastic.
After that more driving, we couldn’t decide whether to spend on another caravan park again in Border Village, but ended up just spotting a pull in at the side of the road that was a bit set back and that someone else was already in, and it turns out that two other cars joined us since. It’s quite big though so we haven’t even seen the others. We were nice and early, and what with the thermal cooker stew all ready to go, we had lit a fire, had dinner and washed up before it got dark, so had time for a game in the tent – we retired to the tent because the flies have all of a sudden gotten terrible. I’m sure it’s only the beginning but they were pretty annoying at dinner, had to eat with one hand so the other hand was free to swat. We could have set up the annex with walls etc, but it just doesn’t seem worth the bother for only one night. We have finished almost all of our veggies though, so tomorrow morning it’s orange juice and loads of honey that we have to finish because we can’t take them over the border into WA. Just trying to work out where we’ll stay tomorrow night – it would be really nice to stop somewhere for a couple of nights for a break from all of this driving but we’ll see.

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