Tuesday 23 August 2011

Wangi and Tolmer Falls, Buley's Rockholes


Wangi Falls (Daniel hiding behind Conor)

Buley's Rockholes

We’ve enjoyed Litchfield today, and because it’s quite small we could leave the trailer at the campsite and just drive around to three different sites. We had an abortive attempt to walk from our campsite to Buley’s Rockholes – got to Florence Falls to discover that the walk is closed at the moment. On the upside we saw a goanna and short-eared rock wallaby on the way. So it was back to the car and Tolmer Falls which is a beautiful waterfall – you can’t swim in it because it’s a home for the protected ghost bats, but there’s a nice walk around the top of it. Then it was to Wongi Falls, which is where most people try and camp here, and I can understand why because it’s a lovely big pool where you can swim and walk etc. We did the walk around and over the top of the falls which gives you a nice view, and then Nick and I had a dip in the pool, which is almost like a lake it’s so big. It still wasn’t warm enough for the kids (they’ve been spoiled by visiting thermal pools), so after a nice relaxing lunch and ice cream we finished up at Buley’s Rockhole. It’s basically a stream cascading down over rocks, with lots of different levels and a few deeper holes, but is permanently inundated with tourists it seems, so we joined them all and hopped in. There’s nothing that special about it I guess except that the water gushes down really fast, so the idea is that you sit in front of a gushing bit and have a massage, but there were also good places to jump into deep pools which the kids enjoyed (they finally got in the water!). It was a nice way to finish off the day anyway, with a cooling swim and places to sit on the rocks at the edge to watch other people. We were a bit jealous of the tour groups who even had a lackey to walk down with a plate of fruit for them! I gather Kakadu is even worse in terms of being full of tour groups so we might as well get used to it I guess.

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