Sunday 28 August 2011


View from top of Gunlom Falls

Rockpools at top of Gunlom Falls

We got to Gunlom at lunchtime yesterday which was the opportune time to come, as it meant we could nab the shadiest spot, an essential in this weather! We cooked up a nice lunch and caught up on journals in the heat of the day, then later in the afternoon we climbed up to the top of the waterfall. It’s a very convenient campground as it’s right at the base of the falls, so it’s only 1k up to the top where there are a number of beautiful pools you can swim in that lead up to the edge – just like a natural infinity pool! It’s also one of the few swimming holes in Kakadu that the boys got into because it wasn’t cold, so they had a great time jumping in and out and it generally refreshed us after a hot day, and we were all still a bit tired after the big day at the festival. We stopped in to have a look at the waterfall from the bottom on the way back and, combined with the pools at the top, I can see why this place was Marion’s favourite in Kakadu – it’s a bit of a long corrugated drive in but is really worth it.
This morning we walked up to the top again before leaving because there was a ranger talk on – it was interesting that the ranger was brought up in Kakadu, his dad being a ranger and his mum a teacher in Jabiru, so having that pedigree (although with red hair he couldn’t look more anglo!), he now has one of the coveted permanent ranger positions, as opposed to a lot of them who are on 6 monthly contracts for the dry season only. He knows the park backwards of course and knows a lot about the plants which he told us about, and about the attempts to manage the feral buffalo, cattle, horses and pigs here. It’s a shame but I guess not surprising that we saw our first cane toads on our first night in Kakadu, and in Arnhem Land as well. They’re all over the place at night, and then there’s the squashed ones on the road during the day. It can only get worse as we go East! We’ve really enjoyed Kakadu in the short time we were here, a very special place.

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