Friday 19 August 2011


I logged onto the internet on the way in to Darwin this morning, only to get an email from mum and dad telling me about Paul Lockyer’s death, which is all very sad. Dad worked with him when we all lived in Singapore together, 24 years ago, and flew with the helicopter pilot a bit when back in Sydney. They are devastated of course, and wishing that they weren’t so far away.
Anyway. We came straight in to try and get our trailer fixed today but didn’t end up having much luck. We found a nice guy who gave it a good go, but didn’t manage to get it done during the day, and as we of course need to sleep in it tonight, we had to take it back to sleep in tonight, and he has offered to try again tomorrow. It’s a bit of a pain to have to set it up now and take it back in again in the morning but these things happen. We went into town to the Info bureau and had a nice lunch in a food court for a treat (nice to be in a big town sometimes), and ended up with a lovely swim in the caravan park pool this evening. It’s really warm here (sorry those in Canberra) and thankfully every park seems to have a pool. We’ve only got a few short days unfortunately, so are trying to work out what we can fit in in that time. Not only is the rodeo on but the Darwin Festival as well, so there’s even extra things on to tempt us.

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