Thursday 21 July 2011

Water park

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We’ve spent the last few days here doing a mixture of running around buying things and a bit of playing in-between. Yesterday was pretty much hanging out, errands and a bit of beach time. We ended up treating ourselves to a new mattress as the foam one that came with the trailer was getting a bit soft. We only bought another foam one, but a super firm one, so for the moment it’s like lying on bricks (in a good way), but I’m sure it won’t take long for it to soften too. In another we great Broome moment, they offered to deliver it to our caravan park for free that afternoon, and we left the old mattress outside the front of the tent with a ‘free’ sign on it, and it was gone by the time we got back from the beach a couple of hours later, to people who run the op shop here and happen to stay in the caravan park (we had visions of how you have to pay to take a mattress to the tip in Canberra). So it was all resolved so quickly and easily, and we had a nice sleep on it last night. We tried to make it to Cable Beach to watch the sunset with drink in hand (on our list of Broome things to do) but unfortunately we made it just as the tip of the burning orange sun dropped below the horizon, and then popped the cork on what we thought was champagne, but turned out to be very sweet fizzy half strength dessert wine (must read the label next time). It’s still a nice place to hang out and watch the sky turn orange (Cable Beach) so mustn’t complain. Today we had the car in yet again getting another warranty thing fixed (you have to wonder if these garages don’t ‘find’ things wrong while a car is under warranty because they know they’ll be paid by Mitsubishi), so we rode our bikes into town, found a geocache and went to the water park at Town Beach which we’d been promising the kids we would do. We almost bought an aboriginal art painting at a gallery but even though we went back twice we couldn’t agree on what to buy, and didn’t want to rush into it. There will be more opportunities hopefully. Tonight was lasagne night at a local café so we couldn’t turn that down, and have got back to consider all the packing we now have to do before heading off tomorrow. We’ve had a great time in Broome, but are also looking forward to being on the road again.

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