Thursday 7 July 2011

Barn Hill Station

sunset Barn Hill Station top end of 80 mile beach

We certainly landed in better surroundings at Barn Hill station – I’m currently writing this sitting on a headland overlooking the beach and having just watched the sunset over the water – just beautiful. It’s packed, unsurprisingly, quite a lot of grey nomads come here for a month or more I think and plonk themselves down next to their friends from last year – one of the caravans has even brought a metal fence they can clip together to put around the front of their van as a garden for their dog.
It’s kind of a rundown place, probably should have worn thongs in the shower, but can’t complain since the beach is just beautiful (although Nick’s disappointed that it’s flat as a tack). It’s also been pretty hot (sorry to rub it in Canberrans, I hear you haven’t had great weather lately) so we’ve had nice swims morning and afternoon. We met the Ralhs here last night, and we were very lucky in fact that they had kept a spot for us, since it’s so busy, so it was nice to have dinner again together and a swim and fish in the afternoon. They headed to Broome today and hopefully we’ll meet up again tomorrow for the Dampier Peninsula. So we’ve had a quieter day after they left this morning, just hanging around on the beach, and are feeling pretty relaxed about now!

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