Tuesday 5 July 2011

Karajini Day 2

Getting to Kalamina Falls

Kalamina Falls - I look like I'm from the 1900's

Kalamina Falls

Knox Falls, or Joffre, I forget which!

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We took it a bit slower this morning, and did a longer drive to some gorges further away – there was a lookout at Kalamina Gorge, then we tried a couple of walks at Weano Gorge. One of them, which went down to Junction Lookout was nice and flat and easy but the view of all four gorges there converging was just amazing. The bottom of them is about 100m down from the lookout so I was holding on tight to the railing, but it was pretty spectacular. At this location most of the walks are harder so there were less options for us, but another we tried we didn’t make it through unfortunately, as we gave up and went back when the path seemed flooded with mucky brown sludge/water and Robyn and I weren’t keen. Nick would have done it but the thought of all having wet sludgy sneakers for days just wasn’t appealing to me…. so back to the carpark and just the shorter Joffre Falls and Knox Falls lookouts. We were all feeling really tired by then, I guess still recovering from a big walk yesterday, so unfortunately we missed out on walking down to some of them which looked stunning. They would have been quite hard for the kids though (that’s my excuse).
It has cooled down quite a bit this afternoon and is threatening rain but hopefully it will blow over. It’s our last night with the Ralhs as they have to go to Port Headland tomorrow to get their car serviced and we are going through Millstream Chichester, after a second try at the mine tour at Tom Price. I’ve at least booked us in this time, and we know when we have to be in there tomorrow morning. It’s quite good timing as it’s Jasmine’s birthday tomorrow (she will be 7) so we’ll see them briefly in the morning before we go our separate ways. We’re hoping to catch up with them again around Broome or when going up to Cape Leveque.

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