Thursday 15 September 2011

Hooray it's Cairns!

Conor dwarfted by the roots - you just can't attempt to get the whole tree in one photo

Looking upward - reminded us of Avatar

We’ve finally hit Cairns today, and are enjoying warming up again – although the winds are still hanging around. On the way we stopped off in Yungaburra again this morning to find a geocache, which ended up taking us on a really nice walk along the river, supposedly looking for a platypus or tree kangaroo, neither of which wanted to show themselves unfortunately (we’ve given up on cassowaries for the moment).
After that it was a brief stop at the Cathedral Fig Tree which really has to be seen to be believed, the photos just can’t portray the size of the thing – its crown is estimated to be 2000m2 across and they think it’s about 90-something metres tall, after originating from a seed the size of a sesame seed.
We arrived into Cairns around lunchtime and set up at the caravan park which Nick’s parents found and which just couldn’t be better – free wifi! Free computers to use the wifi on! Pegs to use on the washing line! And to top it off, nice clean bathrooms. I am a happy camper and the kids are ecstatic – they spent a full 3 hours hogging the computers at reception playing games and were in heaven. Peter and Jenny fly in late tonight – poor things have been going literally all day as their flight from Moruya to Sydney was delayed, meaning they missed their connection to Cairns and had to wait about 7 hours for the next one…. We’re all really looking forward to seeing them though after nearly 6 months, and will be travelling with them in a hired Maui for a week or so.

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