Sunday 17 April 2011


We had a nice morning in Holbrook yesterday – beautiful weather, and we managed to find the keys to the bike lock so we could go for a ride around and up to have a walk around on the submarine HMAS Otway which is parked there and available for climbing on. 
There also happened to be a model train ride attraction open on Sunday mornings (same size as the ones at Kingston) so we went for a ride on that which travels along the river and past nice willows. We could also see where there was quite a bit of flooding in October and February – up to Brige’s neck height apparently. 
All that sightseeing took us a while so we were the last ones to pack up at the campground, so much so that the owners came and asked us if we were staying another night (all the grey nomads were packed and ready to go by about 8.30 while we were still eating our porridge). After having packed in a rush on Saturday, we’re still working out where to put things in the trailer and how to jam it all in, so hopefully we’ll get better at that and faster at pulling down camp. So we set off just before lunch, and our lunch stop was decided for us when we remembered that not far down the road we would have to dump all of our fruit… or attempt to eat it all first.
We rolled into Melbourne just after 4pm, found Penny and Nick’s amazing new house and then headed straight off for dinner at Tom and Colette’s to see their new house which is a lovely old Victorian long skinny one which they’re renovating one bathroom at a time.
So now we have a couple of days here in Melbourne and the weather is beautiful so it’s looking like a bike ride this morning, followed by dumpling lunch with uncle Tom, and Federation Square and the Moving Image museum this afternoon (which apparently has video games you can play which is a big attraction).

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